Marching Baritone/Euphonium Audition Instructions
It is perfectly acceptable to audition on a concert baritone or euphonium. If you do not own an instrument, please contact your current band director to see if you might be able to utilize one for the audition. Otherwise, please email Dr. Waldron in order to schedule a live audition (at which point you can use one of our instruments.) If accepted, the Mustang Band will provide a Marching Baritone or Marching Euphonium for you to use throughout the fall and winter quarters
To audition on baritone or euphonium, please submit a video recording of the following:
- Chromatic Scale (choose one option):
- 2 Octaves Bb to Bb
- 2 Octaves G to G (Please sustain the G at the top to test intonation.)
- Any 2 selections from the Euphonium/Baritone Packet
- Be sure to save your audition video with the following naming scheme:
[Academic Years]_[Academic Term]_[Instrument]_[Your Name]_[Part]-of-[Total Parts].mp4
For example: "2024-2025_Fall_Horn_BruceWayne_1-of-2.mp4" - At the beginning of your video, state the following information for the camera:
- Your first and last name
- The current Date and Time
- The make and model of the instrument you are using for the audition
- The name (or description) of the excerpts you are performing
- Please stand, unless you currently have an injury which prevents you from doing so.
- Ensure that the Video frame includes your face, hands and instrument throughout the recording.
- Only edit video BETWEEN excerpts, but not WITHIN excerpts.
Final Thoughts
If you have not done so already, please be sure to fill out our Online Interest Form. Also, please review our Band Camp Information, Marching Shoes Ordering Information, and our list of Frequently Asked Questions.