Colorguard Audition Instructions
The colorguard audition is for membership on the standard 6ft tall flag. Auditions for primary "weapons" line (e.g., rifles, sabres) will be held during Band Camp.
To audition for colorguard, please submit a video recording of the following using a standard 6ft tall flag.
- Technique Demonstration
- Drop Spins (Left and Right Shoulder)
- Flourish (Left and Right Shoulder)
- Cones/Carves
- Pop Toss
- Single Toss
- 1½ Toss
- Double Toss (with prep)
- Inverted/J-Toss
- Parallel: A front “pizza”/“flat" toss AND a parallel from behind the back.
- Standard Single 45 Toss
- Self written Choreography
- Your choice of music
- Demonstrates multiple technique
- Demonstrates your command of count structure
If you do not own a flag, please contact your current instructor to see if you might be able to use one for the audition.
If you have any questions about the requirements above, or need clarification on the terminology, please feel free to email the colorguard captains.
- Be sure to save your audition video with the following naming scheme:
[Academic Years]_[Academic Term]_[Instrument]_[Your Name]_[Part]-of-[Total Parts].mp4
For example: "2024-2025_Fall_Horn_BruceWayne_1-of-2.mp4" - At the beginning of your video, state the following information for the camera:
- Your first and last name
- The current Date and Time
- Ensure that the Video frame includes your face, hands and flag throughout the recording.
- Clearly count off each move and count out each toss (i.e. a Single Toss is a 3 count toss).
Final Thoughts
If you have not done so already, please be sure to fill out our Online Interest Form. Also, please review our Band Camp Information, Marching Shoes Ordering Information, and our list of Frequently Asked Questions.