Risk Management

Risk management is first and foremost concerned with student safety. This handbook intends to outline conduct in a manner that exhibits care and concern for the well being of members, guests, and the community around you. Members must take personal responsibility for their actions to help ensure the safety of others. The goal of risk management is not to prevent members of the Band and from having fun, but it is to help the Band reduce potential hazards while having fun. We intend to use these tools to prevent problems from occurring.

Risk is something that must be managed, as it cannot be eliminated. As a member of this organization, you must help your peers understand how important it is for the Band to be concerned with risk management. Everyone must use good common sense and take steps to manage the risks that are inherent in band events.

Social Gatherings Policy

Any event in which there are six or more members of the Cal Poly Band Program together in a social setting will be considered an Official Band Event, regardless of the previous planning. Members of the Cal Poly Band Program who live together in the same residence do not contribute to the definition of an Official Band Event if an event takes place at this residence.

  • A Social Gathering is a coordinated party with six or more members of the Cal Poly Band Program where alcohol is present.
  • The possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages while participating in any band event or in any situation sponsored by the band, will be consistent with all campus, city, county, and state laws.
  • There will be no possession, use, and/or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances at any Social Gathering or event that would be associated with the organization.
  • The Cal Poly Band Program does not promote or condone underage drinking or the purchase of alcohol for anyone under 21 years old.
  • If any member observes that an underage person has been given an alcoholic beverage at a Social Gathering, the following actions are to be taken:
    1. For the first offence, the drink will be removed from the underage person and both the giver and receiver of the drink will be verbally warned and reminded of the underage drinking policy.
    2. For the second offence, the drink will be removed from the underage person and both the giver and receiver of the drink will be asked to leave.
  • Students, regardless of age, are not allowed to consume, possess or dispense alcohol on campus except by exclusive permission of the Cal Poly Corporation.
  • If Any Member observes that another member’s alcohol consumption has reached an irresponsible level (slurring of speech, trouble with motor movements/balance, aggressiveness, etc.), the following actions are to be taken:
    1. If the member is in possession of alcohol, it is to will be immediately confiscated
    2. The member is to be escorted by a Sober Member to a safe residence and be looked after for the remainder of the evening.
  • If Any Member suspects alcohol poisoning at all suspected, action is to be immediately taken:
    1. Any Member is to call 911, or a Sober Driver, accompanied by at least one other Sober Member, is to take the individual to the nearest hospital so they can receive appropriate care.

    • The Cal Poly Band Program does not condone driving under the influence of any alcohol or drug. Any member who fails to comply with this is subject to immediate expulsion from all university bands.
    • At least one Sober Driver will be designated for each Social Gathering who will be available to pick up and drop off band members who are incapable of driving themselves to a social gathering. This Sober Driver must be available from teh tiem a Social Gathering gegins to the time it ends.
    • Social Gatherings will have a guest list consisting of current band roster members. The Coordinators of the Social Gathering must approve any alumni or non-band-roster guests prior to the event.
    • Scheduled Social Gatherings will start no earlier than 8PM and end no later than 2AM.
    • There will be a minimum of 3 Sober Members for every scheduled Social Gathering.
    • No loud music will be played after 2am.
    • Any noise coming from a Social Gathering (music and/or voices) is to be low enough that it cannot be heard from across the property line (after 10pm) or 50 ft from the property line (before 10pm).
    • No kegs will be allowed at the Social Gathering.
    • No glass containers will be allowed at the Social Gathering.
    • No member shall initiate any form of fighting at any Social Gathering.
    • A first aid kit must be present at the Social Gathering. The Sober Members will provide a designated kit.
    • Students, regardless of age, are not allowed to consume, possess or dispense alcohol on campus except by exclusive permission of the Cal Poly Corporation.

    Coordinator Responsibilities

    • At least one Coordinator is to be a Sober Member.
    • Coordinators are to identify at least one Sober Driver and three Sober Members.
    • Coordinators are responsible for providing, or designating a Sober Member to provide a First Aid Kit.
    • Coordinators are stronglyh recommended to register the Social Gathering with the San Luis Obispo Police Department: Party Registration
    • Sober Member Responsibilities

      • Sober Members are never to be under the influence of any alcohol or drugs while in this role.
      • Sober Members are responsible for enforcing the Band Social Gathering Policies from the time an event begins to the time the event ends.
      • Sober Members will be required to make sure that door regulation policies are enforced.
      • If a Sober Member suspects that an individual has had too much alcohol, he or she is to adhere to the policies outlined in the Band Social Gathering Policies.
      • If a Sober Member observes an underage person with alcohol, he or she is to adhere to the policies outlined in the Band Social Gathering Policies.
      • Sober Members will make sure that there is easy access to the exit of the property at all times.

      Door Regulation Policy

      • There will be one Sober Member at the front entrance at all times during the event. He or she may take turns in shifts with other Sober Members at the event.
      • Only members of the Cal Poly Band Program will be allowed to enter after 12am regardless of the guest list.
      • No one under the age of 21 will be allowed to bring alcohol to the Social Gathering.
      • Any individuals who are visibly drunk will not be allowed to enter at any time.
      • A Sober Member at the door is responsible for adhering to the guest list.
      • A Sober Member at the door will prohibit anyone to leave the event with an open container of alcohol.
      • Individuals who have agreed to serve as a social gathering “Sober Member”, who fail to comply with any of these responsibilities, will be reported to the Judicial Board.

      Judicial Board

      The Judicial Board will selected from the current student leadership of all Cal Poly Band Program ensembles. The purpose of this group is to provide a peer trial for offenders of any policies outlined in the Risk Management section of the Band Handbook. Any decisions made by the Judicial Board will the approved by the Directors before made final. Potential levels of repercussions are as follows (in no set order):

      • Warning - verbal or written
      • Written contract
      • Grade alteration recommendation
      • Removal of name from the Social Gathering guest list
      • Required assignment as Sober Member
      • Suspension from the band program for a given time
      • Expulsion from the band program permanently

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Oscar Cervarich
Oscar Cervarich
Interdisciplinary Studies

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All prospective and current Cal Poly students interested in joining the Mustang Band should fill out our Online Interest Form.

We enjoy meeting new students and encourage you to send an email if you have any questions or plan to visit campus. Contact information for directors and all band faculty and staff can be found on our contacts page.